Myomectomy: What you should know?

What is myomectomy?

To put it in simple words, myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove Fibroids in the uterus. It is an effective treatment method for removing fibroids and thereby keeping the uterus healthy. As you know, fibroids are non-cancerous growths inside the uterus. In myomectomy, the surgeon removes the fibroid while keeping the uterus intact. It is other ways referred as fibroidectomy.

What are fibroids?

The word ‘fibroid’ might be familiar to you. It is nothing but abnormal growths that develop inside the female uterus. It is majorly made up of smooth muscles and fibrous connective tissues. The size of the fibroids varies from that of a pea to a grape.

Fibroids can create various discomforts in woman, ranging from Infertility to irregular menstrual bleeding. Symptoms like irregular/heavy/prolonged menstrual periods, lower back pain, Pelvic Pain etc can hint towards the possibility of fibroids in woman. It can occur at any age, but mostly seen during child-bearing age.

Why is myometomy advised?

Your doctor may advise you myomectomy when fibroids create severe discomforts and hinder your day-today activities. It is mostly advised when you have fibroids and prefer to become pregnant in future. Myomectomy is preferred to Hysterectomy if you are in your child-bearing age. In hysterectomy, the uterus will be removed completely, whereas in myomectomy only the fibroids will be removed. The chances of becoming pregnant after myomectomy will be higher, although not evident.

How is myomectomy done?

Myomectomy can be carried out in mainly three different ways, namely abdominal myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, hystereoscopic myomectomy. Your surgeon will advise the right procedure after taking into consideration the size, number, position, severity and type of the fibroid. All types of myomectomy will be performed under anaesthesia.

Here are different ways of myomectomy surgery:

Abdominal myomectomy

In abdominal myomectomy, an open abdominal surgery is performed. An incision is made horizontally or vertically depending upon the position of the fibroid. The surgeon will take out the fibroid and close the incision. You may have to stay in the hospital for a few days for post-surgical care.

Laparoscopic myomectomy

In laparoscopic myomectomy, a small incision near to the belly button is made through which a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen. The surgeon will insert instruments and remove the fibroids through one or more smaller incisions. It may not require a hospital stay.

Hystereoscopic myomectomy

Hystereoscopic myomectomy is suggested when fibroids are within or bulging towards the uterine cavity. The process is done without any incision. Instead the surgeon will insert a resectoscope through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. A sterile salt solution is also inserted into the uterus and the fibroids are shaved using the resectoscope. The removed fibroids will come out through the salt solution.

Risks in myomectomy

Myomectomy is not considered as a risky procedure. However, it can cause complications like:

  • Excessive blood loss
  • Complications in child birth and pregnancy
  • Uterus removal in rare cases due to severe bleeding
  • Scar tissue