Fissurectomy / Sphincterotomy is a surgical procedure performed by a doctor to treat anal fissures. It is a minor operation performed as an outpatient procedure in a hospital, clinic or in a surgery centre.


Anal fissures are cut/tears in the skin that would have happened around the anus, which causes pain during the bowel movement. This is generally caused by severe constipation or by passing of hard stool which tears the skin. This anal fissures generally heal by themselves and with some simple home remedies. But if the problem has increased and is unbearable it might require medical treatment, a surgery called fissurectomy.


This is the widely used surgical procedure to treat anal fissures. Sphincterotomy also knew as lateral internal Sphincterotomy is used to relax the anal sphincter muscles and thus heals the fissure. This outcome is developed by making a cut in the internal sphincter muscles from the outermost part of the anus and then lengthening into the internal canal. After the surgery, the patients feel instant relief from the pain caused by fissures while complete healing may take a few weeks.

Symptoms of anal fissures

  • Minor bleeding, mostly after bowel movements
  • Yellow discharge
  • Itching
  • Pain after bowel movements
  • Spasms of the anal sphincter

Fissurectomy v/s Sphincterotomy

A fissurectomy is a surgical procedure used to treat anal fissure by working on the cut/tears occurred in the anus. Whereas, in the sphincter, the treatment of anal fissure is performed along with removing the edges or the surrounding skin/tissue of anus that causes chronic tears.

Fissurectomy compared to sphincterotomy is very less recommended and are less preferred by doctors. As the chances of recurring of anal fissures are a less and immediate reduction of pain is high in sphincterotomy, the doctor recommends this as the first option for anal fissures.


A Fissurectomy is one more surgery that can be used to eliminate anal fissures. This practice produces the same outcome as a sphincterotomy, with the exception of surgically removing the edges of the fissures and also the worn out skin surrounding the fissure. Following a special tool is used to cover up the wounds from the area

Even though both the surgery has similar procedures the only difference that underlies is the removal of skin tags from the fissures. In lateral sphincterectomy the surgeon removed only the fissures while in fissurectomy the skin underlying the fissures are also removed. Recently Surgeon combines both the process to eliminate the anal fissures completely. Combining both the process eliminates the chances for reoccurrence of anal fissures.

Patients undertook the surgery will take around 3-4 weeks for complete recovery and healing of the wounds. Patients are advised to complete the course of meditations provided including stool softeners, with taking extra care to not perform any exhausting activities and to clean the wounded area properly and carefully with soft clothes. Patients are also reminded to get in contact with the doctor if any possible symptoms of the presence of blood, bleeding, pain, infection or inability to pass stools occur.

The latest progression in this procedure to treat anal fissures is known as the Advancement Flaps. In this procedure, the anal fissures are removed and replaced by healthy tissues to prevent any reoccurrence of the medical condition. Nevertheless, it must also be considered while planning for a treatment for anal fissures that, Anal Sphincterotomy is the widely and successfully used surgical technique to treat any mild or complicated anal fissure with minimal complications after the surgery and least chances of reoccurrence of the symptoms.